More than an assemblage artist, John Richards of Yummy Mud Puddle fame is also a maker of lights. Whimsical lights that light up the night with humour...
John was born in 1936 (gosh he looks good for an old man) in Fond Du Lac Wisconsin (where the @%#* is that?). His mother was an artist & his father a writer. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he moved to Chicago IL, Glens Falls NY, Pelham Manor NY & Saint Just Puerto Rico by the time he was ten.
He received a BA in English from Union College in Schenectady NY & taught English, Spanish & Art for four long years. In 1963 he quit his job, moved to NYC, took various courses at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and began his freelance Art career. He has been creatively unemployed ever since. Currently, his imagination runs wild in Burnsville, NC.