Steve Abee 14" Dbl Handle Face Jug DP2451

He’s created a certain look to his face jugs that is immediately recognizable. The well defined nose with flaring nostrils, white bulging eyes with cobalt pupils and the large gaping mouth with two rows of individually crafted white teeth that are part of Steve’s trademark look. Steve is well known for his beautiful swirl pieces using the swirl technique that’s such an important part of historic Catawba Valley pottery. 

Because Steve and other Catawba potters fire their pieces in their own wood-burning ground hog kilns, there is always an element of surprise when the pieces are unloaded. Steve and others of this area also use only locally dug clay and traditional wood-ash glazes.

This piece measures 14" tall. It's a whopping 34" around. We don't want to ship this one, but if we do - it will be costly. Best to come on in and pick it up.

Model: DP2451


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